Girija Devi. Boddupalli
Director and Ex-Officio Secretary since 2021
Ms. B. Girija Devi, a Gold Medalist in Master of Social Work, Girija has been a Gender and Development Professional for more than two and half decades in India. She promotes the cause of the gender jusce and child rights passionately but construcvely. She has conceptualized, designed and operaonalized various gender jusce programs with civil society organizaons and governments. Instuonalizing support structures to women survivors of violence (Support Centers for Women in Police Staons) and (Sakhi One Stop Centers for Women) in collaboraon with the Departments of Police and Women and Child Welfare, Government of Telangana is one of the concrete achievements in her long career. Beginning, with the rights of street children and adolescent girls, her professional interests expanded into acon research on various gender and developmental issues. She monitored and evaluated programs for naonal and internaonal donor agencies; engaged with Print and Visual Media on the rights of women and children. An engaging gender trainer, she has been involved in training of thousands of personnel in the government and NGOs. As an external member of Internal Complaints Commiees of various government departments and NGOs, she has enquired into several cases of sexual harassment of women and has provided experze on its prevenon at work places.
A course in Gender and Economic Policy Analysis from Instute of Social Studies, at Hague, Netherlands and a visit to the US as part of the presgious Internaonal Visitor Leadership Program, as part of Internaonal Women’s Network provided her global perspecves on Gender Jusce and women’s leadership in social development. She loves mentoring the young men and women to work against gender inequality, promong women leadership and strengthening the place of civil society organizaons. Her partner, son and sisters not only provide her emoonal support to her public and professional life, they are her hardest criques too!